Venue turut bertanggung jawab menghadirkan kegiatan MICE yang sehat, aman, dan nyaman. Kepatuhan pada standar CHSE dan protokol kesehatan tak boleh diabaikan.
Menyelenggarakan kegiatan MICE di masa pandemi memang lebih rumit. Dari soal perizinan, sampai pemenuhan standar Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) dan protokol kesehatan (prokes) yang berlaku di era pandemi.
Namun, semua prosedur ini wajib dijalankan untuk menghasilkan kegiatan yang mulus, aman, dan sehat. Ini penting agar industri MICE semakin bergeliat di tengah pandemi.
Apalagi bagi pengelola venue-venue besar, tidak ada kompromi pada pemenuhan standar CHSE dan prokes. Karena venue-venue besar ini akan menjadi panutan para pengelola venue yang lebih kecil.
Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) sudah mengeluarkan panduan dan sertifikasi CHSE. Adapun prinsip CHSE yang harus dipenuhi venue antara lain:
- Menyediakan peralatan dan perlengkapan kesehatan, keselamatan, dan keamanan sesuai standar bangunan tempat kegiatan/pedoman teknis keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3).
- Menyiapkan dan melakukan disinfeksi ruangan secara berkala.
- Secara rutin membersihkan area dengan intensitas kontak tinggi, seperti tombol lift, gagang pintu, pegangan eskalator, dan lainnya.
- Menyediakan tempat cuci tangan dengan sabun serta hand sanitizer di titik-titik strategis.
- Menjaga kualitas dan sirkulasi udara.
- Menyediakan ruang isolasi atau transit room yang memiliki sirkulasi udara terpisah dengan gedung utama, serta memiliki akses langsung ke ambulans atau jalur evakuasi.
- Menyediakan tempat sampah untuk sampah organik, non organik, limbah B3, dan tempat sampah khusus untuk alat pelindung diri (APD) seperti masker dan sarung tangan.
- Mengatur lalu lintas barang dan orang, serta mengatur kapasitas di tempat ibadah, toilet dan lainnya. Serta mengatur mobilitasi di fasilitas seperti lift dan eskalator.
Pandemi sudah berlangsung hampir dua tahun. adaptasi dengan kenormalan dan protokol kesehatan juga terus dilakukan dan tentu ada perbaikan di sana sini.
Biasanya bagi pengelola venue, saat menyelenggarakan kegiatan juga perlu menyediakan tim Satgas COVID-19 untuk memantau kepatuhan pengunjung dan vendor selama kegiatan berlangsung. Selain juga biasanya dari Pemerintah Daerah setempat menurunkan tim Satgasnya sendiri.
Kedisiplinan menyelenggarakan kegiatan MICE di masa pandemi memang bukan hanya tanggung jawab pengelola venue, tapi juga vendor, klien sebagai pemangku hajat, dan tentunya audiens atau peserta kegiatan wajib berpartisipasi menciptakan kegiatan MICE yang sehat dan nyaman.
CHSE Certified MICE Venues
Venues are responsible for holding MICE activities that are sanitary, safe, and convenient. Compliance with the CHSE standards and health protocols must not be overlooked.
Holding MICE events during the pandemic is indeed a hassle. You need to tackle the permission issue up to fulfilling the Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety, and Environment Sustainability (CHSE) standards as well as the health protocols during the pandemic.
However, all of those procedures are mandatory in order to organize a smooth-running, safe, and sanitary event. This is critical to ensure that the MICE industry survives during the pandemic.
Especially to large venues, there must be no compromises to the CHSE guidelines or the health protocols since they’re the benchmark and role models to smaller venues.
The government, through The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) has issued the CHSE certification and guidelines. The following are CHSE principles that must be followed by venues:
- Providing tools and equipment that support health and safety in accordance with the standards of the building of the event or the technical guidelines of Occupational Health and safety (OHS).
- Preparing and disinfecting the room periodically.
- Periodically and routinely clean areas with a high intensity physical contact, such as elevator buttons, door handles, escalator handrails, et cetera.
- Preparing hand-washing stations with soap and water as well as hand sanitizers at strategic locations.
- Maintaining air quality and circulation.
- Preparing an isolation or transit room with separate air circulation from the main building and direct access to an ambulance or evacuation route.
- Preparing a trash bin for organic, non-organic, and hazardous and toxic waste. A special trash can for personal protective equipments like masks and gloves should also be present.
- Managing the traffic of items and people and the capacity of common areas like prayer rooms and toilets and mobility facilities like elevators and escalators.
The pandemic has lasted for almost two years. Adaptation to the New Normal and health protocols is dire, and of course improvements are always in progress.
In addition to the local government’s task force, the venue management usually needs to provide their own COVID-19 task force during the event. This task force is assigned to supervise the visitors and vendors’ compliance with the health protocols.
Discipline during MICE events in the pandemic is not just the responsibility of the venue management. It is a shared responsibility among vendors, clients, and audience or participants as well. Everyone should be on board with the goal of creating a safe and convenient MICE event.