Cara Hotel Bertahan di Masa Pandemi

Wednesday, 21 July 21 Venue

Mengalah bukanlah pilihan. Termasuk bagi industri hotel, kegiatan meeting boleh berkurang, tapi bukan halangan untuk bertahan dan melakukan terobosan.

Pandemi COVID-19 belum usai. Dampaknya dirasakan oleh pelbagai sektor, tak terkecuali indutri perhotelan. Tingkat hunian kamar hotel menurun, dan ruang-ruang pertemuannya sepi acara.

Namun, menyerah bukan pilihan. Berbagai upaya pun dilakukan untuk bertahan dan seraya mempersiapkan langkah untuk kembali bangkit pasca pandemi usai.

Lalu bagaimana hotel bertahan dan menjawab tantangan?

Sosialisasi protokol kesehatan (prokes)

Upaya ini penting untuk membangun kepercayaan tamu atau klien bahwa menginap dan membuat acara di hotel itu aman karena telah mengikuti protokol kesehatan dari pemerintah.

Mengikuti sertifikasi CHSE

Seperti diketahui Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) mewajibkan hotel melakukan sertifikasi CHSE alias Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability. Ini penting untuk memastikan hotel patuh protokol kesehatan dan sekaligus membangun kepercayaan konsumen.

Vaksinasi karyawan

Memastikan karyawan sudah tervaksin Covid-19. Ini tidak hanya melindungi karyawan, namun juga tamu-tamu hotel.

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Langkah ini diambil perusahaan mempunyai napas panjang untuk menghadapi ketidakpastian usainya pandemi.  Efisiensi lazimnya diterapkan dipelbagai aspek, mulai dari SDM hingga biaya operasional.

Menyasar instansi/lembaga pemerintahan

Pada masa pandemi ada kecenderungan sektor swasta menahan diri untuk melakukan kegiatan di hotel. Sementara, lembaga/instansi pemerintahan memang dihimbau untuk melakukan kegiatannya di hotel untuk menggerakkan perekonomian.  

Walaupun demikian, upaya tersebut bukanlah rumus baku. Pasalnya, di masa ketidakpastian seperti saat ini, terus belajar dan beradaptasi merupakan cara terbaik untuk melewati masa sulit. 


How Hotels Survive during the Pandemic

Surrendering isn’t an option. The number of meeting bookings may have dramatically decreased, but it shouldn’t be an excuse to stop persevering and innovating.

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t over, and its impact hurts many sectors including the hotel industry. The number of visitors have dropped, and so has the number of meetings held at hotels.

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However, giving up isn’t an option. A number of strategies have been done to sustain the business while preparing some steps to rise again after the pandemic.

So, how do hotels survive the challenges?

Disseminating the information on health protocols

This effort is important in order to convince visitors and clients that staying and organizing events at the hotel are safe because of its compliance with government-mandated health protocols.

Procuring the CHSE certification

As you may have known, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf RI) has mandated hotels to obtain the CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability) certificate. This certification is important in order to ensure that hotels are observing the health protocols and therefore able to build customer trust.

Staff vaccination

Ensuring that staff have gotten their COVID-19 vaccine protects not only the workers but also hotel visitors.

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This step needs to be taken if the company wants to sustain after surviving the uncertainty of the pandemic. Efficiency needs to be implemented in various aspects, starting from manpower until operational cost.

Targeting government institutions

During the pandemic, the private sector has a tendency to refrain from organizing activities at hotels. In contrast, government institutions are advised to hold meetings and events at hotels as a means to stimulate the economy.

However, said strategy isn’t a fixed formula since continuous learning and adapting are the key for businesses to persevere in trying times, just like the uncertainty we are currently facing.