Kegiatan MICE identik mengundang keramaian, sesuatu yang dilarang selama pandemi. Para pelaku bisnis organizer pun mesti putar otak mencari cara bertahan di situasi yang serba terbatas.
Tak ada yang mengira bahwa pandemi Covid-19 berlangsung sedemikian lama, menjelang tahun keduanya. Namun di sisi lain, pandemi justru mengajarkan mereka untuk tak menyerah pada keadaan.
Seperti diutarakan CEO Gemalindo Kreasi Indonesia, Irvan Mahidin lewat program MICE Talk di kanal Youtube MICE_Indonesia. Pria yang akrab disapa Ipang ini mengatakan, sampai hari ini ia dan rekan-rekan sejawatnya masih belajar beradaptasi dengan situasi pandemi yang membuat semua serba tak pasti.
Menanggapi hal itu, Aszka Arief Rahman, Marketing Director Kopi Panas mengungkapkan, “Yang jelas kompetensi teman-teman di industri MICE memiliki agility tinggi,” ujarnya. Menurutnya, pelaku industri MICE cepat menyesuaikan diri dan terus mencari cara-cara baru agar bertahan di masa sulit ini.
Setidaknya ada tiga trik cerdik yang dilakukan pelaku industri MICE untuk bertahan di masa pandemi.
Pertama, beradaptasi dengan teknologi. Seperti kita tahu, pandemi memaksa kita mengurangi pertemuan fisik. Alhasil, kegiatan meeting, bahkan pameran harus dilakukan secara online.
Platform Zoom yang sekarang jadi andalan banyak orang, di masa awal pandemi macam barang baru yang tak banyak orang mengerti. Para organizer pun berupaya mempelajarinya, dan mulai mengadakan kegiatan MICE secara online. Kendala pasti ada, namun anggap saja sebagai proses pembelajaran.
Kedua, protokol kesehatan harga mati. Ini berlaku ketika menyelenggarakan kegiatan entah online, offline, maupun hibrid. Penerapan protokol kesehatan mesti benar-benar diperhatikan, supaya kegiatan MICE tidak menjadi klaster baru Covid-19.
Ketiga, jeli melihat peluang. Memang benar, banyak klien baik dari kalangan korporat maupun pemerintahan menahan diri untuk mengadakan kegiatan MICE, entah meeting, pameran, dan lainnya.
Jika jeli sebenarnya selalu ada peluang. “Balik lagi soal kemampuan cepat beradaptasi, dan bagaimana manajemen jeli melihat peluang yang bisa digarap,” pesan Aszka.
Artinya, soal mental berjuang pelaku industri MICE, tak perlu diragukan. Hanya saja, memang butuh kerja lebih keras dari biasanya. Tapi bukankah hidup sejatinya berjuang?
Organisers Must be Adept at Recognising Opportunities
MICE activities are defined by the gathering of crowds, something that is frowned upon during the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of event organising businesses must rack their brains in order to survive in such limiting circumstances.
Now approaching its second year, the pandemic has lasted much longer than predicted. While difficult, it has taught us strength and perseverance in the face of adversity.
It is very much like what CEO of Gemalindo Kreasi Indonesia, Irvan Mahidin said during his time in MICE Talk, accessible through Youtube at MICE_Indonesia. Known to his close friends as Ipang, Irvan acknowledged that both himself and his experienced colleagues are still learning to adapt to the unpredictable circumstances presented by the pandemic.
As a response to the claim, Aszka Arief Rahman, the Marketing Director of Kopi Panas noted, “It’s quite obvious that MICE industry members are very agile [in competence].” According to him, these individuals have done well in terms of adjusting quickly as well as finding new ways to sustain themselves through the difficult times.
There are at least three clever strategies that members of the MICE industry may follow in order to remain active during the pandemic.
Firstly, adapt through technology. It is no secret that this circumstance has compelled us to refrain from physical contact. As a result, meetings, even exhibitions must also be done online.
Zoom, now considered a mainstay, was an unfamiliar tool not understood by many in the beginning of the pandemic. Studious efforts made by event organisers have allowed them to utilise the platform, making it possible to do MICE activities online.Obstacles will always present themselves. However, we need to remember that it is part of the learning process.
Secondly, enforce stringent health protocols. This applies to all types of events; online, offline, or combinations of both. The application of health protocols must be strictly observed so as not to risk contagion of Covid-19 at a massive scale.
Lastly, recognise when an opportunity presents itself. Nowadays, many corporate and governmental clients are refraining from orginising any MICE activities at all.
Despite this, various opportunities are always available if you are diligent and thorough. “It goes back to the [management’s] ability to quickly adapt, and how well they can acknowledge and seize these opportunities,” explained Aszka.
All in all, MICE industry members have, without a doubt, shown their passion and perseverance throughout these difficult times. While it does require more effort than usual, it’s the spirit of life to keep fighting for what you love, right?