Bangun Kepercayaan Sebelum Menggelar Acara

Saturday, 14 August 21 Venue

Salah satu kunci sukses menyelenggarakan kegiatan MICE di masa pandemi ialah bagaimana meyakinkan peserta atau masyarakat untuk hadir di tengah kekhawatiran ancaman kesehatan.

Pandemi membatasi ruang gerak manusia. Pandemi juga mengajak kita cepat beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru dan konsistensi menjalankan protokol kesehatan.

Mobilitas menjadi terbatas. Berkegiatan di luar ruang menuntut banyak pertimbangan. Termasuk ketika menghadiri kegiatan MICE, pasti banyak pertanyaan muncul. Apakah venue-nya aman, bagaimana pula dengan protokol kesehatannya, apa yang terjadi jika timbul kerumunan, dan banyak pertimbangan lainnya.

Nah, ini menjadi tugas tambahan penyelenggara kegiatan, bagaimana meyakinkan dan membangun kepercayaan peserta dan masyarakat untuk hadir dalam kegiatan MICE. Skenario penerapan protokol kesehatan dan informasi terkait lainnya mesti disampaikan secara jelas dan terbuka.

Tips berikut bisa Anda lakukan untuk membangun kepercayaan peserta dan masyarakat, saat nanti kegiatan MICE mulai kembali terselenggara.

1. Menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai protokol kesehatan dan kebersihan yang diterapkan kepada klien, organisasi, atau asosiasi yang terlibat event.

2. Membagikan pedoman atau panduan untuk peserta sebelum acara, melalui email atau langsung.

3. Memasang rambu-rambu yang jelas di tempat kegiatan dan menginformasikan secara berkala tentang protokol kesehatan yang berlaku.

4. Berkolaborasi dengan pihak ketiga untuk menawarkan asuransi yang mencakup Covid-19.

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5. Mengemas acara secara hibrid untuk meminimalisir peserta yang hadir. Walaupun memang, event virtual membutuhkan investasi yang tidak kecil, namun untuk sementara opsi ini cukup efektif.

6. Menyiapkan titik layanan medis dan memastikan tim dapat menangani kasus Covid-19.

Sebenarnya, sebelum lonjakan kasus Covid-19 yang kedua kali, sejumlah kegiatan MICE sudah mulai diselenggarakan. Ada pameran otomotif, pertemuan bisnis, dan kegiatan MICE lainnya, tentunya dengan menjalankan protokol kesehatan ketat. Terbukti, belum ada catatan klaster Covid-19 terjadi dari kegiatan MICE.

Konsistensi menjalankan protokol kesehatan dan mengikuti semua prosedur di era kenormalan baru ini yang mesti dijaga dan dipertahankan penyelenggara kegiatan MICE untuk membangun kepercayaan baik masyarakat maupun pemerintah.

Karena kepercayaan sulit dibangun, namun sekali salah langkah bisa merusak semuanya. Seperti Warren Buffett bilang, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”


Building Trust Prior to Holding Events

One measure of success in organising MICE events during the pandemic is how well you can persuade the audience and the people to join the event amidst the ongoing threat to their well-being.

The pandemic has undoubtedly restricted human space. It has also compelled us to quickly adapt to new ways of living and to consistently adhere to health protocols.

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Mobility has become limited. Engaging in outside activities requires much consideration. This includes attending MICE events, which will surely incite a lot of questions. Is the venue safe, how are the health protocols, what happens when there is a crowd, and many other considerations.

Nowthis is an extra task for event organisers; how to gain the trust of the community and encourage them to attend MICE activities. Implementation of health protocols and other related information must be presented clearly and openly.

To encourage the trust of the audience, you may follow these useful tips for future MICE events held offline.

1. Publicise information regarding health protocols to clients, organizations, or associations who are involved in the event.

2. Distribute guidelines or regulations to attendees before the event, by email or in person.

3. Install clear signs at the site and regularly inform attendees of the health protocols applied.

4. Collaborate with third parties, who offer insurance covering Covid-19.

5. Minimise attendees by making the event hybrid. While virtual events require considerable investment, this option remains quite effective for the time being.

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6. Establish medical service points and make sure that the team is fully prepared to handle Covid-19 cases should there be any.

In reality, several MICE events were already established prior to the second rise in Covid-19 cases. We had automotive shows, business meetings, and other MICE activities which, of course, applied stringent health protocols. So far, large numbers of Covid-19 infection in MICE events has never been documented.

In this new normal, event organisers must be consistent in performing health protocols and conforming to all of its procedures, so that they may establish a bond of trust between themselves, the community, and even the government.

It is no secret that just one wrong move has the ability to destroy the trust that was so arduously built. Just as Warren Buffett famously said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”