Kemajuan teknologi memungkinkan kegiatan meeting bisa berlangsung meski pandemi. MICE.ID menjadi salah satu platform lengkap terkait industri MICE, dari informasi sampai video telekonferensi.
Banyak hal menemukan kesesuaiannya sendiri di masa pandemi. Misalnya saja, kegiatan meeting, seminar, atau pertemuan bisnis.
Di awal pandemi kita sempat bingung bagaimana melakukan kegiatan tersebut yang memerlukan pertemuan fisik, sementara protokol kesehatan (prokes) melarang pertemuan fisik apalagi berkumpul.
Untung saja, kita hidup di era kemajuan teknologi. Sehingga pertemuan bisnis, konferensi, dan kegiatan MICE lainnya bisa tetap berlangsung meski di tengah pandemi. Salah satu platform kebanggaan dalam negeri ialah MICE.ID.
Platform ini dikembangkan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) sebagai wadah kolaborasi, mempercepat dan mempermudah koordinasi, serta melakukan pendataan di bidang MICE.
Selain itu, fitur dan menu lain yang tersedia di MICE.ID secara gratis adalah:
1. MICE.ID menyediakan berbagai informasi terkait industri MICE. Ini tentu memudahkan bagi stakeholder MICE yang membutuhkannya.
2. MICE.ID bisa membantu penyelenggara yang ingin mengadakan kegiatan MICE secara virtual sekaligus mempromosikannya.
3. MICE.ID juga dilengkapi fitur seperti virtual exhibition, platform event management, serta manajemen dokumen dan email.
Kehadiran MICE.ID tentu menjadi nilai tambah sektor MICE Tanah Air. Platform ini menjadi infrastruktur penunjang kegiatan MICE, termasuk di masa pandemi saat ini.
Technology advancement has enabled meetings to occur during the pandemic. MICE.ID has become one of the most complete platforms for the MICE industry, from allowing access to information to providing video teleconference.
Many have found their own fit during the pandemic, like meetings or seminars.
In the beginning of the pandemic, we were confused as to how we can hold aforementioned events without physical interaction because the health protocols prohibit physical meetings, let alone gatherings.
Luckily, we live amidst the era of technological advancement. Therefore, meetings, conferences, and other MICE activities can still be conducted in the middle of a pandemic. One of our best local platforms is MICE.ID.
This website is developed by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as a platform to collaborate, coordinate, and input data related to MICE activities.
Aside from that, other features and menus available for free on MICE.ID include:
1. MICE.ID provides access to various information related to the MICE industry. This surely is a valuable facilitation for MICE stakeholders.
2. MICE.ID can also help organizers organize and promote online events.
3. MICE.ID is also equipped with features like virtual exhibition, event management, and document and email management platform.
The presence of MICE.ID has surely become a worthy asset for Indonesian MICE industry. This platform will serve as a support for MICE events, including those held during this pandemic.