Program Insentif Tanpa Jalan-Jalan

Thursday, 30 September 21 Venue

Esensi dari perjalanan insentif ialah mengapresiasi kerja keras karyawan atau kontribusi pelanggan. Ini mungkin dilakukan tanpa melakukan perjalanan.

Ketidakpastian kondisi di tengah pandemi, serta banyaknya prosedur dan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi untuk melakukan perjalanan saat pandemi COVID-19 membuat banyak korporat gamang mengadakan perjalanan insentif.

Karena intinya wujud apresiasi kepada karyawan atau pelanggan, insentif tetap bisa diberikan meskipun tanpa jalan-jalan. Perjalanan bisa ditunda sampai situasinya memungkinkan.

Salah satu solusinya ialah dengan mengadakan malam penghargaan untuk karyawan atau pelanggan secara virtual. Anda bisa mencoba tips berikut untuk menyiapkan malam penghargaan virtual yang tetap berkesan.

Pra event:

  • Kirim undangan langsung ke alamat peserta
  • Sertakan tiket undian yang akan diumumkan saat malam penghargaan
  • Kirimkan voucher agar peserta bisa membeli makanan dan minuman sendiri di malam penghargaan


  • Sebelum acara dimulai, luangkan sesi agar peserta bisa saling bercengkerama atau menyapa
  • Siapkan video dari jajaran top manajemen atau pihak keluarga pemenang penghargaan sebagai kejutan
  • Undang pembawa acara, pembicara, atau bintang tamu
BACA JUGA:   Accor Kelola Properti Baru di Lampung

Pasca Event:

  • Kirimkan kartu ucapan atau souvenir sebagai tanda terima kasih atas kehadiran audiens
  • Buat konten video yang berisi rangkuman kegiatan

Bagi korporat pandemi justru menuntut perusahaan menjaga komunikasi yang efektif dengan karyawan meski terpaut jarak. Sementara para organizer dan biro perjalanan harus kreatif mengemas kegiatan meski tanpa jalan-jalan. Yang terpenting apresiasi pada karyawan tidak tertunda.


Providing Incentives without Travel

The essence of travel incentives is to appreciate the hard work of employees or the contributions of loyal customers. Yet, this is actually possible without actual traveling.

The uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, as well as the many procedures and requirements that must be met in order to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic have made many companies nervous about conducting incentive trips.

BACA JUGA:   Venue MICE Bertahan Tanpa Harus Banting Harga

However, as the point of travel incentives is to show appreciation towards employees or customers, a company can still provide these benefits even without providing the trip itself. The actual travelling can be postponed until the situation permits.

One way to do this is by holding a virtual award night for employees or customers. These tips can come in handy when preparing a virtual award night that will remain memorable long after it has ended.

Before the event:

·         Send invitations directly to participants’ addresses.

·         Include a raffle ticket that will be announced at the awards night.

·         Send vouchers so participants can buy their own food and drinks during the event.

During the event:

·         Before officially starting the event, provide a free session so that participants can chat with each other or simply say hello.

BACA JUGA:   Adaptasi Baru Industri Pameran

·         Prepare a video from upper management or the award-winner’s family as a surprise.

·         Invite an emcee, speaker or guest star.

Post Event:

·         Send greeting cards or souvenirs as a sign of gratitude for your audience.

·         Create a video that contains a summary of the proceedings.

Companies have been required to maintain effective communication with their employees despite working remotely. Meanwhile, event organizers and travel agencies must be creative in creating activities that do not involve traveling. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is that employee appreciation must not be delayed.