Prosedur Mendapatkan Sertifikasi CHSE

Friday, 23 July 21 Venue

Kemenparekraf mewajibkan pelaku usaha hotel dan pariwisata untuk melakukan sertifikasi CHSE. Apa tujuan dan bagaimana proses pengurusannya?

CHSE alias Clean, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability atau Kebersihan, Kesehatan, Keselamatan, dan Kelestarian Lingkungan menjadi istilah yang sering terdengar di masa pandemi.

Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) terus mendorong pelaku usaha hotel dan venue MICE untuk melakukan sertifikasi CHSE.

Mengapa CHSE penting? Karena ini merupakan upaya menyakinkan wisatawan bahwa produk dan pelayanan yang diberikan sudah memenuhi protokol kebersihan, kesehatan, keselamatan, dan kelestarian lingkungan.

Siapa saja yang wajib melakukan sertifikasi CHSE? Antara lain, daya tarik wisata, desa wisata, homestay atau pondok wisata, hotel, restoran atau rumah makan, tempat penyelenggaraan pertemuan, perjalanan insentif, konvensi dan pameran, arung jeram, golf, dan usaha wisata selam.

Lalu bagaimana cara mendapatkan sertifikasi CHSE?

1. Akses laman website dan pilih menu ‘Daftar Sekarang’ atau ‘Mulai Assessment’ pada halaman utama website yang akan mengarah ke halaman pendaftaran. Lalu isi data seperti yang diminta.

2. Setelah mengisi data dan mencantumkan email akun yang aktif, Anda akan menerima email verifikasi. Klik tautan dan ikuti proses selanjutnya.

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3. Usai pendaftaran, Anda dapat mengunduh mengunduh format surat pernyataan deklarasi mandiri yang perlu dilakukan pengisian sebagai pernyataan resmi data dan informasi yang disampaikan benar dan dapat divalidasi secara langsung.

Proses Penilaian secara Mandiri dapat dilakukan secara daring. Pengguna juga dapat mengunduh angket/form penilaian mandiri sehingga dapat terlebih dahulu mengetahui dan mempelajari indikator yang menjadi penilaian, sebelum mengisi pernyataan pada sistem.

4. Setelah penilaian mandiri dilakukan dan indikator penilaian terpenuhi, Anda akan diminta untuk mengunggah Surat Pernyataan Deklarasi Mandiri dan mengirimkan hasil penilaian mandiri pada sistem untuk diteruskan kepada tim auditor.

Jika Anda telah melakukan pengisian seluruh pertanyaan dan mengupload surat pernyataan deklarasi mandiri yang telah ditanda tangani akan kembali kepada halaman utama CHSE.


The Procedure of Procuring the CHSE Certificate

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf RI) mandates all hotel and tourism business owners to procure the CHSE certificate. What is the purpose of this mandate and how does the certification work?

CHSE, which stands for Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability, has become a popular term during this pandemic.

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The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) continuously encourages hotel and MICE venue owners to have the CHSE certification.

Why is the CHSE certificate important? The certification serves as an effort to convince tourists that products and services given comply with the protocols of cleanliness, health, safety, and environment sustainability.

Who must obtain the CHSE certificate? All involved in the tourism industry (including tourist attractions, tourism villages, homestays, hotels, restaurants, meeting venues, incentive tours, conventions, exhibitions, rafting, golf, and diving tours) are mandated to get the certificate.

So how does one get the CHSE certificate?1. Access and click “Register Now” or “Start Assessment” on the main page of the website, and you will be directed towards the registration page. After that, fill in the form with valid information.

2. After filling in the form with your data and your active email account, you will receive a verification email. Click the link so you can follow the next process.

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3. After the registration, you will download a self-declaration letter template which needs to be filled out as a formal declaration that the information entered is correct and can be validated directly. There is also a self-assessment form that you need to fill out. The self assessment can be completed online or downloaded so you can be informed of the scoring indicators before completing the statement on the system.

4. After doing the self-assessment and making sure the scoring indicators are all completed, you will be requested to upload the self-declaration letter and send the self-assessment result to the system to be forwarded to the auditors. If you have answered all of the questions and uploaded a signed self-declaration letter, you will be redirected to the main page of the CHSE website.