Penyelenggaraan kegiatan MICE, secara virtual sekalipun tentu juga bertujuan mendulang keuntungan salah satunya lewat sponsorship. Mencari sponsor di era pandemi ini juga perlu trik dan strategi.
Makin hari kita semakin akrab dengan kegiatan webinar, konferensi virtual, bahkan pameran secara daring. Biasanya selain diselenggarakan melalui platform video telekonferensi, kegiatan tersebut juga disiarkan melalui YouTube dengan harapan banyak orang bisa menyaksikan.
Kecenderungannya, peserta menjadi enggan mendaftar dan memilih mengikuti kegiatan tanpa harus membayar.
Tapi pendapatan kegiatan MICE tak hanya datang dari biaya pendaftaran tapi juga sponsorship. Lalu bagaimana strategi mencari sponsor di era pandemi ini? Kami punya triknya.
- Siapkan slot terbaik untuk sponsor
Dalam event virtual, termasuk webinar, menampilkan sponsor tentu hal biasa. Namun perhatikan penempatan slot untuk sponsor. Pilihannya di awal, tengah, atau akhir acara. Biasanya sponsor enggan diletakkan di akhir acara, nah ini bisa jadi kesempatan Anda untuk tawar-menawar angka.
- Harga menarik
Ingat, kegiatan virtual itu sesuatu yang relatif baru di dunia MICE. Jadi jangan tawarkan harga sponsor terlalu tinggi.
- Streaming di berbagai sosial media
Pastikan melakukan live streaming kegiatan Anda di berbagai platform sosial media (sosmed). Selain Youtube tautkan juga ke live Instagram atau Facebook. Semakin banyak kanal sosmed digunakan semakin besar pula pengunjung yang menyimak, semakin yakin pula sponsor menggulirkan dananya.
- Rutin Adakan Kegiatan Virtual
Semakin sering menggelar kegiatan virtual, makin banyak pula yang mengetahui kegiatan tersebut. Artinya banyak juga audiens yang mengikuti. Ini akan menjadi daya tarik bagi sponsor. Sekaligus meningkatkan reputasi Anda sebagai penyelenggara kegiatan.
- Konten menarik
Terkait konten, ada dua hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan. Pertama, konten yang dibahas up to date, dan kedua narasumber yang diundang kompeten. Perpaduan apik keduanya tentu akan menarik hati pihak sponsor.
5 Solutions for Virtual Sponsors
The organization of MICE events, even virtually, is done in hopes of gaining profits, including through sponsorships. Searching for sponsors in this pandemic also requires its own set of tricks and strategies.
We are getting more and more familiar with webinars, virtual conferences, and even online exhibitions. In addition to being held through video conferencing platforms, these activities are also broadcast via YouTube in hopes of reaching a wider audience.
This results in an audience that is reluctant to register and chooses to participate in free events instead. But this does not have to be an issue. The income from MICE events do not come solely from registration fees, as sponsorships are also a potential source of revenue. So how does one find sponsors in the middle of this pandemic? We have several tips:
- Prepare your best time slots
In virtual events, including webinars, displaying sponsors is a common practice. However, pay attention to the placement of these sponsors. You can choose to place them at the beginning, middle, or end of an event. Usually, sponsors are reluctant to be placed at the end of the event, so this could be an opportunity to haggle over any sponsorship offers.
- Offer attractive prices
Remember, virtual events are relatively new in the MICE world. Therefore, don’t propose overly high sponsorship prices.
- Don’t forget to stream
Make sure to live stream your activities on all possible social media platforms. Besides Youtube, you can also stream to Instagram or Facebook, among others. The more social media channels used, the larger the audience, and thus the more confidence sponsors will have in providing funds.
- Consistency is key
The more often you hold a virtual event, the more people will know about it. This also means that a larger audience will form. This will be very attractive for prospective sponsors. At the same time, you will also be building your reputation as an event organizer.
- Keep an eye on your content
When it comes to creating content, there are two things you need to pay attention to. First, make sure the content is up to date with current trends, and secondly, ensure the invited speakers are competent. A combination of the two will certainly attract sponsors.