Bali ibarat one stop shopping bagi kegiatan MICE. Tak ayal jika Bali disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu destinasi MICE terbaik dan terunik di dunia.
Dua destinasi favorit MICE di Indonesia selain Jakarta tentu saja Bali. Wajar rasanya, karena Pulau Dewata ini menawarkan fasilitas akomodasi, venue, restoran, sampai tempat wisata yang tak hanya sedap dipandang mata, tapi juga layanan kelas dunia.
Menurut Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf), Bali telah menduduki peringkat teratas dalam destinasi MICE di Indonesia sejak 2010.
Wajar saja jika berbagai event internasional digelar di Bali. Misalnya ajang Miss World pada tahun 2013, pertemuan IMF-World Bank dan Indonesia Africa Forum di 2018. Tahun depan, Bali juga akan menjadi tuan rumah puncak pertemuan KTT G20, serta beberapa event internasional lainnya.
Bali ibarat one stop shopping bagi kegiatan MICE. Fasilitas akomodasi termasuk venue jumlahnya banyak dan berstandar internasional. Sementara destinasi wisatanya tidak perlu diragukan lagi, eksotisme panorama dan budaya Bali sudah diakui dunia. Pusat belanja dan kulinernya pun beragam
Akses menuju Bali pun terbilang mudah. Setidaknya ada 20 penerbangan internasional langsung dari dan menuju Bali. Fasilitas kamar hotel yang tersedia berjumlah lebih dari 42 ribu kamar dari hotel berbagai bintang. Area eksibisi dan konvensi di Bali pun beragam dan sudah sering digunakan sebagai tempat kegiatan MICE berskala nasional sampai internasional.
Meskipun saat pandemi, pariwisata dan industri MICE Bali sempat mati suri, namun kini perlahan geliat MICE dan pariwisata Bali bangkit kembali. Dengan dibukanya pintu penerbangan internasional, Bali sudah siap menyambut pelancong wisata dan bisnis.
Terbukti pemerintah provinsi terus menggalakkan penerapan protokol CHSE (cleanliness, health, safety, environment sustainability) baik pada akomodasi penginapan atau kuliner agar meyakinkan wisatawan untuk berkunjung ke Bali.
Selain itu masa karantina bagi turis asing juga dikurangi dari lima menjadi tiga hari. Harapannya, ini akan semakin menarik minat pelancong bisnis dan wisata mengunjungi Bali.
Fasilitas MICE
Penerbangan internasional langsung: 20
Kamar hotel: 42.154
Area konvensi: 10.000 meter persegi
Area eksibisi: 4.000 meter persegi
Let’s Revive MICE in Bali!
Bali is like a one-stop shopping spot for the MICE industry. It’s undeniable that it’s become one of the best and most unique MICE destinations in the world.
Aside from Jakarta, Bali is another most favorite MICE destination. Obviously, the Dewata Island offers a myriad of facilities that are not only attractive but also on par with the global standards. These facilities include accommodations, venues, as well as a number of tourist destinations.
According to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Bali has occupied the first rank of MICE destinations in Indonesia since 2010.
There are various international events that have been conducted in Bali, such as Miss World in 2012 and IMF-World Bank as well as Indonesia Africa Forum in 2018. Next year, Bali will host the G20 Summit along with other international events.
Bali is like a one-stop shopping spot for all MICE activities. There are various venues that are on par with global standards. Likewise, it’s also got undoubtedly stunning tourist destinations topped with exotic panorama and internationally reknonwed cultures. On top of that, tourists are offered a list of shopping centers and culinary options.
Accessing Bali is easy peasy. There are at least 20 direct international flights to Bali. There are over 42,000 rooms from various fancy hotels as well as various exhibitions and convention venues that have hosted national and international MICE events.
Although the pandemic has made the island go through a temporary idle state, it’s now slowly returned to productivity. With international flights available these days, Bali is ready to welcome recreational and business tourists.
The regional government has been encouraging the implementation of CHSE (cleanliness, health, safety, environment sustainability) protocols, either at accommodations or restaurants. Hopefully, it will earn the trust of tourists to visit Bali again.
Additionally, the quarantining period for international tourists has been decreased from five days up to just three days as an effort to the number of tourists in Bali.
MICE facilities
Direct international flights: 20
Hotel rooms: 42,154
Convention area: 10,000 square meters
Exhibition area: 4,000 square meters