Sertifikasi CHSE menjadi upaya pemerintah membangkitkan industri MICE Tanah Air. Sosialisasi dan simulasi CHSE ke berbagai daerah pun masih terus dilakukan.
Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) telah menyusun panduan CHSE atau Cleanlines, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability untuk industri pariwisata dan MICE dalam adaptasi kenormalan baru di masa pandemi COVID-19.
Sejak tahun 2020 sampai saat ini, Kemenparekraf bersama asosiasi dan akademisi berkeliling ke sejumlah destinasi di seluruh Indonesia untuk menyosialisasikan sekaligus melakukan simulasi penerapan CHSE.
Ketentuan dalam panduan ini mengacu pada protokol dan panduan yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah Indonesia, Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) serta asosiasi MICE nasional dan internasional seperti ICCA, UFI, AIPC, serta ASPERAPI.
Direktur MICE Kemenparekraf, Iyung Masruroh mengatakan, di masa pandemi ini tidak hanya destinasi yang terpukul akibat pandemi, namun juga pasarnya terdampak. “Kalau yang terdampak hanya destinasinya, tugasnya hanya bagaimana menyembuhkan destinasinya. Begitupun sebaliknya. Tapi saat ini keduanya yang terdampak,” jelas Iyung.
Pemerintah mendorong pelaku industri MICE untuk patuh menerapkan protokol kesehatan sesuai CHSE demi memulihkan kepercayaan diri baik bagi pelaku maupun market. “Selama 2020 kami menyiapkan destinasi supaya percaya diri lagi,” imbuh Iyung.
Iyung menegaskan, penyelenggara MICE harus disertifikasi sebelum acara digelar untuk melihat apakah protokol kesehatan sudah sesuai standar CHSE atau belum.
Selain itu, setidaknya ada sejumlah alasan mengapa pelaku usaha MICE perlu melakukan sertifikasi CHSE.
- Meningkatkan daya saing dan menunjukkan kesiapan pelaku MICE menyambut kegiatan MICE secara offline atau hibrid di masa pandemi.
- Membangun kepercayaan masyarakat untuk hadir dalam kegiatan MICE. Seperti dijelaskan sebelumnya, di masa pandemi bukan hanya pelakunya yang terdampak, tapi market-nya juga sehingga harus dipulihkan kepercayaannya bahwa kegiatan MICE aman dan nyaman untuk dikunjungi.
- Menunjukkan kesiapan di mata dunia. Seperti kita tahu pemerintah sudah mulai membuka akses masuk bagi wisatawan asing dari sejumlah negara. Tahun depan, Indonesia juga akan menjadi tuan rumah kegiatan MICE internasional. Penerapan CHSE yang konsisten akan menjadi indikator kesiapan Indonesia menyambut pelancong dari luar negeri.
Is CHSE Certification Necessary for MICE?
CHSE certification is a government effort to invigorate Indonesia’s MICE industry. The dissemination of information and simulation of CHSE in various areas are still in progress.
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) has arranged CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability) guidelines for the tourism and MICE industry to aid their adaptation to the New Normal during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since 2020, the ministry along with several associations and academics have traveled to a number of destinations across Indonesia to broadcast the CHSE guidelines while also running simulations on their implementation.
The clauses in this guideline refers to the protocols and guidelines already implemented by the Indonesian government, World Health Organization (WHO), World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), as well as national and international MICE associations like ICCA, UFI, AIPC, and ASPERAPI.
MICE Director of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Iyung Masruroh, said that tourist destinations are not the only party hit by the pandemic. The market is also impacted. “If the pandemic only impacted (tourist) destinations, then the task would only be to restore the destinations and vice versa. But currently, both are impacted,” explained Iyung.
The government encourages MICE industry players to comply with CHSE health protocols to restore the confidence of the industry and the trust of the market. “Throughout 2020, we have prepared numerous destinations to take pride in themselves again,” added Iyung.
Iyung stressed that MICE organizers have to undertake the CHSE certification prior to the event to ensure whether CHSE health protocols are properly implemented.
In addition to that, there are several other reasons why MICE industry players need to take on the certification process.
- Increasing MICE organizers’ competitiveness and showcasing their readiness to conduct offline or hybrid events during the pandemic.
- Building the public trust to participate in MICE events. As mentioned before, the pandemic impacts both MICE industry players and the market. Therefore, the market needs to trust that MICE events are safe and convenient to partake in.
- Showing readiness in the global market. We all know that the government has started to open the access for global travelers from several countries. Next year, Indonesia will host some international MICE events. The consistent implementation of CHSE in Indonesia will become an indicator of readiness to welcome overseas visitors.