Plus Minus Kegiatan Offline, Online, dan Hibrid

Monday, 18 October 21 Venue

Kegiatan MICE ternyata bisa diselenggarakan secara offline, online, atau perpaduan keduanya alias hibrid. Lalu apa untung ruginya?

Sebelum pandemi, kegiatan MICE berlangsung secara offline . Teknologi dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan acara. Sejak pandemi, kegiatan MICE beralih menjadi online dimana teknologi menjadi faktor utama.

Belakangan kita juga akrab dengan konsep kegiatan MICE hibrid, alias perpaduan offline dan online. Sebenarnya apa plus dan minusnya menyelenggarakan kegiatan MICE secara onlineoffline , dan hibrid?



● Kegiatan MICE offline menuntut kehadiran fisik pesertanya. Nah ini memberi efek multiplier pada industri lain. Seperti, industri penerbangan untuk mobilitas peserta, hotel sebagai akomodasi, sampai industri pariwisata.

● Bagi penyelenggara kegiatan MICE, keberhasilan mengadakan event MICE offline termasuk kerepotannya justru meninggalkan kesan lebih dalam ketimbang online.


● Potensi menimbulkan kerumunan. Sesuatu yang dilarang di masa pandemi.

● Biaya produksi lebih mahal ketimbang mengadakan online.



● Peserta dari berbagai wilayah dan negara bisa hadir tanpa memikirkan biaya transportasi atau akomodasi.

● Biaya produksi lebih murah, meskipun keuntungan mengikuti.


● Pada kegiatan meeting atau konferensi yang membutuhkan lobi-lobi, konsep online dirasa kurang pas.

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● Peserta lebih cenderung mudah jenuh dan lelah jika acara terlalu lama. Di sinilah diperlukan kreativitas penyelenggara kegiatan.



● Audiens masih bisa merasakan suasana kegiatan seperti jika diadakan offline .

● Meminimalisir jumlah peserta yang hadir, sehingga menghindari potensi kerumunan.


● Tugas penyelenggara MICE jadi bertambah, karena mesti menyiapkan konsep kegiatan secara offline dan online sekaligus.

● Untuk kegiatan MICE B to B atau B to C, nilai transaksi yang didapat tidak sebesar kegiatan offline .

Banyak yang berpendapat, kegiatan MICE secara offline tidak akan tergantikan, dan online atau hibrid sebagai solusi sementara di tengah pandemi.

Apapun konsepnya, yang penting semangatnya sama, yakni membuat industri MICE tetap hidup di tengah kondisi yang tidak bersahabat.


The Pros and Cons of Offline, Online, and Hybrid Events

MICE activities can be conducted offline, online, or both (hybrid). But what are the perks and the downsides of each type?

Before the pandemic, MICE activities were fully offline. Technology was merely a support. During the pandemic where MICE are online, technology takes on a bigger role. It has become one of the most critical factors of the success of MICE events.

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We’ve heard about the concept of hybrid MICE lately. It’s a combination of offline and online event organization. What exactly are the advantages and disadvantages of online, offline, and hybrid MICE events?



● MICE events require physical presence of participants. This creates a ‘multiplier’ effect on other industries, like aviation to transport participants, hotels for accommodation, and tourism.

● To MICE event organizers, the success and troubles of running offline MICE events leave a more memorable impression than online events.


● Potentially creating a crowd, which is something prohibited in the pandemic.

● Production budget is bigger than online events.



● Participants from all over the country and even all over the globe can attend without worrying about transportation or accommodation expenses.

● Production budget is smaller, although the profit is small.


● The online concept isn’t very fitting for meetings or conferences that require lobbies.

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● Participants have a greater tendency to be bored and tired if the event is too long. This is where the creativity of the event organizers is important.



● Audience can still feel the atmosphere of the event as though it is offline.

● Minimizing the number of participants offline, therefore preventing a large gathering.


● MICE event organizers have more responsibilities, as they have to prepare for the concept of both offline and online activities.

● For B2B or B2C MIcE events, the transaction value isn’t as great as offline events.

Many believe that offline MICE events are irreplaceable, and online or hybrid can only serve as a temporary solution during the pandemic.

Whatever the concept, what matters is the spirit to sustain the MICE industry in these trying times.