Mengadakan kegiatan MICE secara virtual susah-susah gampang. Selain mesti menguasai teknologinya, juga harus pandai-pandai mengemas acara agar tidak membosankan.
Selama pandemi sudah berapa banyak kegiatan MICE yang Anda gelar atau ikuti? Mungkin tidak terhitung jumlahnya. Penyelenggaraan kegiatan MICE, entah meeting, seminar, konferensi sejak pandemi berlangsung secara virtual dengan mengandalkan platform video telekonferensi.
Bagi penyelenggara MICE konsep ini cukup menantang. Tidak hanya harus menguasai teknologinya, tapi juga mesti memikirkan psikologis audiensnya. Karena berlangsung secara virtual, penyelenggara kegiatan menjadi sulit menerka apakah audiens mulai lelah dan jenuh.
Cobalah sejumlah tips berikut agar kegiatan virtual yang Anda selenggarakan tidak membosankan.
1. Perhatikan durasi
Biasanya, peserta kegiatan MICE virtual akan mengalami kejenuhan atau bosan ketika acara sudah berlangsung di atas dua jam. Jadi, sebaiknya durasi kegiatan virtual jangan terlalu lama, atau dibagi dalam beberapa sesi jika harus.
2. Buat games
Sebelum jeda kegiatan Anda bisa sisipkan games atau kuis. Ini berguna untuk mencairkan suasana dan membuat peserta segar kembali. Saat ini banyak ide-ide atau aplikasi dan platform games yang bisa dimanfaatkan supaya permainan lebih interaktif.
Misalnya di platform Zoom tersedia fitur annotation yang memungkinkan audiens mencorat-coret atau menandai teks atau gambar. Nah, Anda bisa membuat kuis atau games yang mengajak audiens memilih jawabannya atau terlibat di permainan. Dan masih banyak platform game lain yang bisa dimanfaatkan.
3. Sediakan hadiah
Hadiah ini bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai daya tarik agar peserta bertahan sampai kegiatan selesai. Ambil contoh, hadiah diberikan kepada peserta yang hadir dan membuka video sepanjang kegiatan, atau aktif bertanya di setiap sesi.
Sebaiknya sediakan hadiah dalam bentuk voucher atau uang tunai yang dikirim ke dompet digital peserta. Selain menghindari kerepotan pengiriman barang, hadiah berupa uang tunai jauh lebih menarik di masa ini.
Penyelenggara kegiatan MICE pasti tak pernah kehabisan ide dan kreativitas. Mengemas kegiatan virtual agar menarik dan tidak membosankan memang penting, tapi jauh lebih penting memastikan pesan dan tujuan kegiatan tersampaikan.
Ways to Package Virtual Events and Avoid Dullness
Holding virtual MICE events can be both difficult and easy. In addition to mastering technological devices, we also have to be good at packaging these events, so that they are not boring.
How many MICE events have you attended throughout the course of the pandemic? Countless, probably. During the pandemic, MICE events, whether they are meetings, seminars, conferences, have been held virtually, employing video conference platforms as its medium.
To its organisers, this concept have been pretty challenging. Not only do they have to make use of the technology, but they also have to understand the audiences’ psychology. As they are held virtually, organisers of MICE activities now have the arduous task of guessing whether or not the audience have become tired or bored.
Try some of these tips to keep your virtual events interesting.
1. Pay attention to the duration
Usually, attendees will start to feel bored when the event surpasses the two-hour mark. Therefore, it is better to keep things short. Divide the event to several sessions if it is needed.
2. Create Fun Games
Before taking breaks, make time for games and quizzes. These are very effective for lightening the mood and making the attendees feel refreshed. At the moment, there are many gaming ideas, applications, and platforms that organisers can use to their advantage. This way, your events can become more interactive.
For instance, Zoom has an annotation feature, which allows the audience to make notes, highlight texts, or draw pictures. Here, you can create quizzes or games and ask the audience to participate. Other than zoom, there are many more platforms that you can use.
3. Provide Prizes
These prizes can make sure that your audience stays until the end of the event. For example, the prizes can be given to participants who attend and turn on their video cameras throughout the activity, or actively ask questions in each session.
It is recommended that you provide these prizes in the form of vouchers or virtual money, sent to the participant’s digital wallet. Not only are you avoiding the hassle of shipping goods, but virtual cash prizes are much more attractive these days.
Organisers of MICE activities are always full of creativity and ideas. Presenting virtual events in an engaging way is definitely important. However, we must also make sure that the aim and message of the event shines through.