Kantongi Empat Perizinan Agar Pameran Bisa Berjalan

Monday, 08 November 21 Venue

Mengurus perizinan kegiatan pameran di masa pandemi memang cukup memusingkan. Tapi jangan dilawan, cukup jalankan karena ini demi keselamatan dan kenyamanan kegiatan MICE dan pameran.

 Konon, salah satu kunci bertahan di masa pandemi ialah jangan melawan. Ikuti saja alurnya. Termasuk urusan birokrasi dan perizinan kegiatan MICE termasuk pameran, yang lebih panjang waktu pengurusan dan persyaratannya.

Nikmati saja, karena semua demi kenyamanan dan keamanan kegiatan. Tentu Anda tidak ingin, kegiatan MICE yang Anda gelar berujung nestapa karena menciptakan klaster baru Covid-19.

Menurut Ketua Umum ASPERAPI, Hosea Andreas Runkat dalam program Podcast di YouTube MICE Indonesia, pengurusan perizinan kegiatan MICE biasanya dimulai dari tingkat pusat baru perizinan ke daerah.

Hanya saja, ia mengingatkan agar pelaku MICE siap dan cepat menghadapi perubahan-perubahan. “Semakin kesini improvisasi makin banyak. Biasanya pengurusan ke pusat dulu baru ke daerah. Tapi kemarin ada event yang pengurusan perizinan dari daerah dulu baru ke pusat,” jelasnya.

Yang pasti, pengurusan perizinan minimal dilakukan 40 hari sebelum hari kegiatan. Ini dimaksudkan agar ada jeda waktu yang cukup panjang untuk pengurusan sehingga tidak terburu-buru.

Menurutnya lagi, sebuah kegiatan MICE atau pameran bisa terselenggara di masa pandemi ini setelah mengantongi empat surat perizinan, yakni dari:

  1. Satgas Covid-19 tingkat daerah yang ditandatangani Sekretaris Daerah.
  2. Surat izin dari pihak kepolisian
  3. Surat izin dari Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB)
  4. Surat izin dari kementerian yang terkait dengan industri sesuai tema pameran yang berlangsung
BACA JUGA:   Enam Trik Kelola Booth Agar Pengunjung Pameran Melirik

Selain wajib mengantongi keempat perizinan di atas, biasanya penyelenggara kegiatan akan diminta untuk melakukan presentasi di depan kepolisian dan unsur-unsur terkait untuk meyakinkan bahwa kegiatan MICE atau pameran yang akan diselenggarakan sudah sesuai dan mematuhi protokol kesehatan.

Biasanya juga presentasi di depan pemerintah pusat dan daerah dilakukan di waktu berbeda, alias tidak bersamaan, sehingga memang prosesnya lebih panjang.

“Kita harus meyakinkan bahwa protokol kesehatan yang diterapkan berjalan baik,” imbuh Andre. Lebih lanjut ia menyampaikan, “Proses perizinan memang panjang  dan belum ada yang baku, masih banyak improvisasi. Kita tidak tahu bulan bagaimana. Mungkin saja ke depan pertemuan antara pihak pusat dan daerah bisa dilakukan secara bersamaan sehingga prosesnya lebih cepat,” harap Andre.


Procure These Four Permits to Run Successful Exhibitions

Procuring exhibition permits during the pandemic can be quite troublesome. However, there’s no other way. We have to do it to create safe and convenient MICE and exhibitions.

A wise man said that one of the survival tips during the pandemic is to yield. Just go with the flow. This includes bureaucracy and permit procurement for MICE and exhibitions, which may take some time.

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Just enjoy the process since it’s all for the sake of the event’s safety and convenience anyway. Creating a new COVID-19 cluster at your event is the last thing you want, right?

According to the General Chairman of IECA, Hosea Andreas Runkat in our podcast on MICE Indonesia’s YouTube channel, the permit procurement process for MICE activities is usually done in a top-down flow, starting from the central government to the local one.

However, he just wants to remind MICE industry players to be ready and quick to adapt to changes. “As time goes by, there are more and more improvisations. The procurement (process) usually starts from the central then continues to the local government. But there was a recent event whose permit procurement was done in local government first before going to the central level.”

Most importantly, the process must start at least 40 days before the event to allow enough time for the bureaucracy.

He also believes that MICE events or exhibitions can be conducted in the pandemic given they have obtained the following four permits:

  1. Local-level COVID-19 task force signed by the local government’s secretary.
  2. Permit from the police
  3. Permit from the National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure
  4. Permit from the ministry related to the theme of the exhibition
BACA JUGA:   Vaksinasi Pekerja Parekraf Belum Maksimal

After acquiring the four aforementioned permits, event organizers usually have to present in front of the police and other related institutions in regards to the event’s compliance with health protocols.

The presentations for the central and local government are usually done at different times, so the process is indeed time consuming.

“We need to convince (them) that we implement health protocols to the best of our ability,” added Andre. He also said, “obtaining the permit is indeed a long process, and (the bureaucracy) keeps on changing, there are still many improvisations. We don’t know how it’ll be yet. Maybe in the future the meetings with the central and local governments can be done at the same time so the process is more efficient.”