Kenormalan Baru Venue MICE

Monday, 25 October 21 Venue

Menjadi adaptif adalah kemutlakan di masa pandemi. adaptif dengan kebiasaan, gaya hidup, dan regulasi kenormalan baru agar aktivitas di tengah pandemi tetap berjalan.

Pandemi mengajarkan kita menjadi adaptif terhadap perubahan dan situasi yang serba tak pasti, serta disiplin mengikuti aturan agar penularan virus tak semakin merajalela.

Bagi pelaku industri MICE, tantangannya bukan hanya mencari peluang bisnis dan memikirkan inovasi kegiatan MICE di masa pandemi, namun juga beradaptasi dengan kenormalan baru, termasuk bagi pengelola venue MICE.

Pengelola venue harus bersiap menjalankan kenormalan baru dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan MICE di era pandemi.

Pertama, venue MICE wajib melakukan sertifikasi CHSE. Sertifikasi ini menjadi jaminan bagi vendor, klien, sampai masyarakat bahwa venue MICE tersebut aman untuk dikunjungi karena telah mengikuti panduan CHSE yang benar.

Kedua, mengantongi perizinan untuk penyelenggaraan acara. Harus diakui, mengurus perizinan kegiatan saat pandemi lebih rumit dibanding sebelum pandemi.

Jenis persyaratan perizinan yang dibutuhkan tergantung dari lokasi kegiatan, skala apakah nasional atau internasional, serta jenis kegiatannya.

Sementara itu, Direktur Utama Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Riyanthi Handayani dalam obrolan Podcast di kanal YouTube MICE Indonesia berbagi pengalamannya. Menurutnya, sebelum menyelenggarakan acara MICE di masa pandemi, biasanya akan ada yang melakukan pengecekan ke venue.

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“Biasanya mereka mengecek protokol kesehatan yang sudah kami terapkan. Kalau tidak sesuai yang diberitahu. Kalau tidak sesuai akan ada teguran, denda, bahkan sampai ditutup izin usahanya,” imbuh Yani.

Karenanya, Yani mengingatkan, bagi pengelola venue MICE agar mematuhi protokol kesehatan sesuai peraturan yang diberlakukan. Tidak boleh ada kompromi demi keselamatan bersama.

Kenormalan baru ketiga ialah menyediakan satgas untuk memantau pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan selama kegiatan berlangsung. Biasanya, Pemda atau Pemprov juga menurunkan satgasnya, hanya saja, sebaiknya pengelola venue juga menyediakan tim satgas sendiri. Satgas ini berfungsi untuk memantau agar pengunjung disiplin menjalankan prokes.


MICE Venues’ New Normal

Adaptability is a must in the pandemic. We must become adaptable to the new habits, lifestyle, and regulations so activities in the middle of the pandemic are still possible.

The pandemic has taught us to become adaptive to changes and uncertain situations. We have also been accustomed to following a set of rules so that the virus transmission does not become more rampant.

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To MICE industry players, the challenge doesn’t merely lie in looking for business opportunities or innovations in the MICE industry during the pandemic. It’s also in adapting to the New Normal, including MICE venue management.

Venue managers have to prepare for the New Normal in conducting MICE activities during the pandemic.

First, MICE venues need to undertake the CHSE certification. This certification becomes a guarantee for vendors, clients, and even the surrounding citizens that the MICE venue is safe because it complies with the CHSE guidelines.

Second, acquire the permit to organize events. We must admit, the permit acquisition process is a lot more complicated during the pandemic than it was before the pandemic.

The requirements of the permit depend on the location, the scale of the event (national or international), and types of events.

Meanwhile the president director of Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Riyanthi Handayani in our podcast on MICE Indonesia’s YouTube channel said that there will be a venue check before a MICE event is held.

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“They usually check the health protocols that we have implemented. If they’re not in sync with what has been informed, there’ll be reprimands, fines, or even permit nullification,” added Yani.

Because of that, Yani reminded MICE venue managers to always comply with the health protocols that are enforced by the government. There must not be any compromises for the sake of everyone’s safety.

The third New Normal policy is to provide a COVID task force to supervise the implementation of the health protocols throughout the event. A task force is usually present under the regional and provincial government, but it will be better if the venue management has their own task force. This task force is assigned to ensure that everyone complies with the health protocols.