Bijak Hadapi Fenomena Revenge Tourism

Monday, 11 October 21 Venue

Pelonggaran mobilitas dan aktivitas, setelah berbulan-bulan karantina akibat COVID-19 bisa memunculkan fenomena baru yang disebut revenge tourism.

Aktivitas dan mobilitas yang terbatas akibat pandemi COVID-19 tentu menimbulkan kelelahan dan rasa jenuh. Maka ketika kasus COVID-19 mulai melandai, dan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) mulai turun level, banyak orang mulai bersiap-siap liburan. Ini bak ajang balas dendam.

Termasuk juga bagi perjalanan insentif. Banyak perusahaan yang mulai menyelenggarakan perjalanan insentif. Apalagi aktivitas work from home tentu menjadi tantangan yang berat dan melelahkan bagi karyawannya.

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Experiential Learning Indonesia (AELI), Nurfahmi dalam perbincangan Podcast di kanal YouTube MICE Indonesia memperkirakan, permintaan perjalanan insentif akan meledak tak lama lagi.

“Ibarat orang makan dan minum, kan setiap hari perlu, tidak bisa karena pandemi lalu berhenti makan. Begitupula tourism, kebutuhan korporat juga sama. Perjalanan insentif kan reward untuk boosting karyawan agar kapasitas meningkat,” jelasnya.

Revenge tourism merupakan kondisi di mana terjadi peningkatan permintaan untuk bepergian. Permintaan tersebut belum tersalurkan akibat dari peraturan pemerintah dan keamanan

Para organizer atau biro perjalanan insentif tentu harus bersiap menghadapi fenomena revenge tourism. Selain mempersiapkan protokol kesehatan, dan prosedur yang diperlukan untuk perjalanan di masa pandemi, para organizer dan biro perjalanan juga mesti pandai-pandai mengemas kegiatan agar tetap meninggalkan kesan dan memberi pengalaman baru, namun sekaligus juga aman.

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Dalam sebuah kesempatan, Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Uno juga menyampaikan pesannya agar revenge tourism dihadapi dengan bijak.

Di satu sisi pemerintah terus berupaya menggenjot vaksinasi agar herd immunity segera tercapai. Di sisi lain, pelaku industri juga mesti mempersiapkan diri agar sebuah perjalanan insentif tidak berakhir sebagai klaster baru penyebaran COVID-19.

Sementara itu, pengelola destinasi wisata dan akomodasi juga mesti disiplin menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan melakukan sertifikasi CHSE. Peserta perjalanan insentif pun harus memiliki kesadaran untuk menjalankan protokol kesehatan.

Karena, menghidupkan kembali industri MICE dan pariwisata menuntut peran serta semua pihak.


Smart in Handling the Revenge Tourism Phenomenon

Now that mobility restriction has been slightly lifted after months of quarantining at home, you may have the urge to engage in revenge tourism.

We have all been tired and bored of activity and mobility restriction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, when the number of cases has declined, and the government is getting more lenient on the public activity restriction (PPKM), many are getting ready for a big vacation. It’s just like a revenge competition!

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Incentive trips have been impacted similarly. Several corporations have started to hold incentive trips, especially since working from home has posed a great challenge to their team.

In a podcast on MICE Indonesia’s YouTube channel, Chairman of Association of Experiential Learning Indonesia (AELI), Nurfahmi, said that the demand for incentive trips will boom in no time.

“Just like how we eat and drink. We gotta do it every day. We can’t just stop because of the pandemic. Tourism is just like that. Companies still have the same needs despite the pandemic. They still need the incentive trips to boost the performance of their team,” he said.

Revenge tourism refers to a situation wherein there is an increased demand in travels. Said demand was pent up because of government health and safety measures.

Organizers or incentive trip agents still need to prepare themselves to face the revenge tourism phenomenon head-on. Aside from preparing health protocols and other procedures necessary for travel during the pandemic, the organizers and trip agents need to be able to apply their creativity and competence in making an unforgettable and unique experience that is also safe.

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The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, Sandiaga Uno, once said that revenge tourism should be handled wisely.

On one hand, the government is working hard on ensuring vaccine distribution so we can achieve herd immunity as soon as possible. On the other hand, industry players also have to prepare for incentive trips safely to prevent creating a new COVID-19 cluster.

Despite that, management of tourist destinations and accommodations needs to also implement stringent health protocols at all times as well as undergoing the CHSE certification. Participants of the incentive trip should also have the decency to obey the health protocols.

All this is because it takes collective effort to invigorate the MICE and tourism industry.