Pameran tentu membutuhkan sokongan dana dari para sponsor. Untuk meyakinkan sponsor merogoh koceknya, tentu perlu trik dan strategi.
Mendapatkan sponsor untuk kegiatan pameran memang tidak mudah. Apalagi di tengah pandemi, dimana sebagian besar perusahaan berlomba-lomba melakukan efisiensi anggaran. Belum lagi, persaingan untuk mendapatkan sponsor, dan dilema yang dihadapi saat sponsor ingin ekslusivitas.
Lepas dari itu, pada dasarnya ada 9 trik yang terkesan sederhana namun penting saat Anda hendak mendekati sponsor potensial.
- Logo di materi presentasi
Pastikan logo perusahaan sponsor potensial tertera di materi presentasi Anda. Dan pastikan pula logo yang Anda tampilkan ialah logo terkini.
- Target audiens
Jelaskan target audiens pameran Anda, jangan terlalu umum, tapi yang terkait dengan target audiens perusahaan calon sponsor.
- Pelajari website sponsor
Pepatah bilang tak kenal maka tak sayang, sebaiknya Anda berkenalan lebih dulu dengan calon sponsor Anda salah satunya lewat website mereka. Dari situ Anda bisa tahu siapa pengambil kebijakan dari pihak sponsor dan informasi penting lainnya.
- Selaraskan target
Cari tahu positioning calon sponsor, apakah sejalan dengan target pameran Anda. Buat cerita yang menggabungkan tujuan acara Anda dan sponsor selaras.
- Jadilah kreatif
Buat penawaran se-menarik mungkin dan berbeda dengan kompetitor Anda. Tentu didasari riset dan penelitian tentang calon sponsor.
- Buat perbandingan
Jangan ragu mempelajari penawaran dari organizer lain untuk memperluas cakrawala Anda.
- Opsi penawaran
Buat beberapa opsi penawaran dengan harga ‘bersahabat’ untuk sponsor pendatang baru tapi potensial di masa depan.
- Fleksibel
Luwes menanggapi permintaan calon sponsor.
- Kirim apresiasi
Pasca pameran, kirim ucapan terima kasih disertai laporan yang komprehensif tentang kegiatan pameran yang berlangsung. Jangan lupa tetap jalin relasi.
Nine Tricks to Reassure Potential Sponsors of Your Exhibition
Exhibitions surely need financial support from a number of sponsors. To convince them, of course there are some tricks and strategies.
Acquiring sponsors for an exhibition is a difficult feat. Especially during the pandemic, many corporations are competing to cut costs. In addition, there is a tight competition to get a sponsor, and there is sometimes a dilemma when a sponsor requires exclusivity.
Despite that, there are essentially 9 simple but important tricks when you approach a potential sponsor.
- Put their logo in your presentation
Make sure the logo of the potential sponsor is included in your presentation, and make sure that it is up to date.
- Explain your target audience
Explain the target audience of your exhibition. Instead of having a general target audience, make sure your target audience is related to that of the potential sponsor.
- Study the sponsor’s website
It’s important to know your potential sponsor, and a way to do that is by visiting their website. By doing that, you can tell who the decision maker is. Other important information is usually included there.
- Synchronize the target audience
Find out the positioning of your potential sponsor. Is it in sync with your target audience? Create an attractive storytelling that combines the purpose of your event and the sponsor.
- Be creative
Create the most attractive and unique offer. Of course, it needs to have a basis on research about the potential sponsor.
- Create a comparison
Don’t hesitate to study the offer of other organizers to broaden your horizons.
- Offer options
Create several options with affordable prices for new sponsors that can potentially participate in the future.
- Be flexible
Be flexible when answering the demands of the potential sponsor.
After the exhibition, send a token of appreciation along with a comprehensive report about the event. Don’t forget to maintain the relationship.