Venue-venue MICE dan hotel terus berupaya beradaptasi dengan kenormalan baru dan memenuhi protokol kesehatan agar kegiatan MICE berlangsung aman.
Salah satu protokol kesehatan di masa pandemi Covid-19 ialah melarang munculnya kerumunan atau kegiatan yang mengumpulkan sejumlah orang. Akibatnya, kegiatan meeting, pertemuan bisnis, dan konferensi pun tak boleh diadakan.
Penurunan kegiatan meeting juga dialami Santika Hotels & Resorts. Prita Gero, Assistant Manager Marketing Communications Santika Hotels & Resorts dalam program MICE Talk yang tayang di kanal Youtube MICE_Indonesia, dalam beberapa bulan terakhir permintaan ruang meeting mulai meningkat, sayangnya gelombang kedua kasus Covid-19 melanda.
“Sebenarnya kondisi berangsur membaik sebelum kasus (Covid-19) meningkat lagi, kami sudah bisa bernapas terutama kalangan pemerintah mulai banyak melakukan kegiatan meeting,” jelas Prita.
Sebenarnya, keraguan menyelenggarakan meeting di venue MICE atau hotel kerap kali muncul karena pemberitaan tentang perkembangan kasus Covid-19 yang menimbulkan kekhawatiran.
Padahal, pihak hotel dan venue MICE sudah beradaptasi dengan kenormalan baru, yakni menjalankan semua protokol kesehatan yang disyaratkan.
Misalnya, dengan mengurangi kapasitas peserta meeting, yakni hanya boleh 50 persen dari kapasitas. Selain itu, tidak lagi menyajikan makanan secara buffet, namun dikemas dalam boks. Kalaupun harus buffet, tamu tidak boleh mengambil makanan sendiri, harus dilayani petugas hotel.
Hotel dan venue MICE pun sudah melengkapi diri dengan fasilitas kebersihan sesuai protokol kesehatan. Seperti penyediaan tempat cuci tangan, pemeriksaan suhu, dan pembersihan secara berkala tempat-tempat dan benda-benda di ruang publik.
Tapi, kalau Anda masih gamang mengadakan meeting di venue MICE atau hotel, tips berikut semoga bisa meyakinkan Anda:
1. Pilih hotel yang tersertifikasi CHSE
Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) mewajibkan pelaku usaha pariwisata dan MICE memiliki sertifikasi CHSE berlabel Indonesia Care.
Sertifikasi ini memberi jaminan kepada masyarakat bahwa produk dan pelayanan yang diberikan adalah sesuai standar protokol CHSE. Kunjungi untuk mengetahui hotel yang sudah tersertifikasi CHSE.
2. Buat meeting berkonsep hibrid
Konsep ini memadukan pertemuan fisik dan virtual. Dengan konsep ini jumlah peserta yang hadir secara fisik terbatas sehingga tidak menimbulkan kerumunan.
3. Ikuti panduan CHSE
Kemenparekraf juga sudah mengeluarkan panduan CHSE bagi berbagai sektor industri baik pariwisata dan MICE.
Three Safe Steps to Conduct Meetings at Hotels during the Pandemic
MICE venues and hotels keep on trying to adapt with the New Normal and complying with the health protocols so MICE events can be organized safely.
One of the health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic is prohibition of gatherings or activities that involve a big number of people. Therefore, meetings and conferences are forbidden.
Declining number of meeting room bookings is also something Santika Hotels & Resorts are dealing with. On the MICE Talk program (which will be aired on MICE_Indonesia’s YouTube channel), Prita Gero, Assistant Manager Marketing Communications of Santika Hotels & Resorts, said that people have started booking meeting rooms again, but then unfortunately the second wave of the COVID-19 struck.
“Actually, the situation had gradually improved before the number of cases (COVID-19) increased again, we could finally breathe in relief. The government officials, specifically, have started to hold meetings again,” explained Prita.
In reality, the reluctance to hold meetings at MICE venues or hotels often stems from anxiety and worry over news of the COVID-19 development. This fear persists despite the hotels and venues’ efforts to adapt to the New Normal by complying with mandated health protocols.
To illustrate, they have decreased the capacity of meeting rooms to only 50%. Aside from that, they are no longer providing buffets, just boxed meals. Even if they have to facilitate buffet meals, the guests are not allowed to serve themselves, they must be served by the staff. On top of that, MICE venues and hotels already prioritize hygiene by providing hand washing stations, doing temperature checking, and cleaning public facilities periodically.
However, if you are still hesitant to hold your meetings at MICE venues or hotels, the following tips may convince you to start doing it:
- Choose CHSE certified hotels
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf RI) mandates tourism businesses and MICE to have the CHSE “Indonesia Care” certification. This certification guarantees that products and services given comply with the CHSE standard protocols. Visit to check the list of CHSE certified hotels.
- Organize hybrid meetings
Hybrid meetings are a combination of a physical and a virtual meeting. With this concept, the number of attendees present physically is limited, therefore lowering the risk of large gatherings.
- Follow the CHSE guidelines
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has published CHSE guidelines for various industries, including tourism and MICE.