Bukan Incentive Trip Biasa

Tuesday, 28 September 21 Venue

Perjalanan insentif lebih dari sekadar jalan-jalan wisata. Selalu ada tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Karenanya harus dikemas apik, agar pesan tersampaikan dan perjalanan meninggalkan kesan.

Penyelenggaraan perjalanan insentif biasanya disertai tujuan tertentu. Selain sebagai ajang apresiasi dan penyegaran, perjalanan insentif biasanya diadakan untuk membangun rasa memiliki karyawan atau konsumen pada perusahaan. Seringkali juga, perjalanan insentif menjadi sarana studi banding dengan perusahaan lain.

Itu mengapa perjalanan insentif mesti dikemas dengan apik supaya kegiatan tidak berlalu begitu saja, bisa meninggalkan kesan dan yang terpenting tujuan utama dari perjalanan tercapai.

Sany Barley, Account Director PT Panorama JTB mengatakan, pihaknya lebih banyak mengemas wisata domestik dengan sesuatu yang lebih wow. “Kunci perjalanan insentif pada keunikan program. Ini mesti disampaikan ke user karena bujetnya pasti lebih tinggi dibanding tur biasa,” jelasnya.

Program penuh kejutan bisa dimulai sebelum keberangkatan. Ini yang terjadi di PT Bank Central Asia Tbk seperti dikisahkan Evi Jo, Vice President BCA dalam program Podcast di MICE Indonesia. Ia menceritakan, para pemenang perjalanan insentif bahkan langsung menuju bandara tak lama setelah diumumkan. Segala kebutuhan pakaian dan lainnya sudah disiapkan penyelenggara.

Perjalanan insentif juga biasanya menjadi momen agar jajaran direksi atau top management bergabung dengan karyawannya. Entah ketika momen makan bersama, bergabung dalam permainan kelompok, atau di perjalanan misalnya dengan berada di pesawat atau moda transportasi di kelas yang sama.

BACA JUGA:   Negeri Di Atas Awan Bukit Khayangan

Cara lainnya, bisa dengan memberi kejutan atau hadiah di kamar hotel masing-masing peserta perjalanan insentif. Hadiahnya pun sudah dikurasi terlebih dulu atau bisa didiskusikan dengan provider penyelenggara. Sedikit tips, sebaiknya hadiah tidak berupa uang tunai, karena biasanya uang tunai cepat habis tanpa meninggalkan kenangan.

Pemilihan destinasi juga bisa memberi unsur kejutan. Selain mempertimbangkan aspek kesehatan, seperti penerapan protokol kesehatan dan prosedur COVID-19 lainnya, destinasi domestik unik, seperti desa wisata, atau menikmati kehidupan masyarakat lokal bisa menjadi ide menarik.

“Kalau ke Bali biasanya hanya untuk jalan-jalan, kami pernah siapkan konsep makan malam dengan Raja di sebuah destinasi di Bali,” kenang Sany. Konsep yang penuh kejutan ini bakal meninggalkan kesan dan menjadi bahan obrolan bahkan setelah perjalanan insentif berbulan-bulan berlalu.

Destinasi perjalanan insentif memang penting namun bukan segalanya. Yang penting proses dan tujuan utama perjalanan insentif bisa tersampaikan dengan baik.


Not Just Your Regular Incentive Trip

Incentive trips are not just about traveling. There is always a goal that should be achieved. Therefore, it should be neatly organized so that the message of the trip itself is delivered and everyone is impressed.

There is often a specific purpose that comes with organizing incentive trips. Aside from being an event of appreciation and refreshment, incentive trips are usually held to build a sense of belonging to employees or consumers in the company. Moreover, incentive trips often become a means of comparative study with other companies.

BACA JUGA:   Bersiap Sambut Pemulihan Industri MICE

That is the reason why incentive trips should be precisely organized, so the events don’t just go with the wind. It can leave an impression, and most importantly, the ultimate goal of the trip itself is achieved.

Sany Barley, Account Director of PT Panorama JTB, said that his company often packs domestic tourism with something more compelling. “The key to the incentive trip is the uniqueness of the program. The user must know this because it costs higher than a regular tour,” he explained.

Surprise programs can be started before departure. This is what happened at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk as told by Evi Jo, Vice President of BCA in the Podcast program at MICE Indonesia. He said that the winners of the incentive trips even went straight to the airport shortly after being announced. Furthermore, all clothing and other needs have been prepared by the organizers.

Usually, incentive trips become the moment for the board of directors or top management to mingle with their employees. It can be in the form of eating together, playing games, or as simple as being on the same plane or other modes of transportation.

Another way is by giving a surprise or gift in the hotel room for each participant of the incentive trip. The prizes have been curated in advance or can be discussed with the organizer’s provider. There are a few tips regarding the gift. It shouldn’t be in the form of cash because it will just go away without leaving any trace of memories.

BACA JUGA:   Modal Bertahan: Adaptasi, Kolaborasi, Improvisasi

The chosen destination can also offer an element of surprise. Considering health aspects, such as implementing health protocols and other COVID-19 procedures, unique domestic destinations, such as tourist villages, or immersing ourselves in the locals’ life while enjoying the moment can become a good option, too.

“When we go to Bali, we usually just go for a walk, and we once prepared the concept of having dinner with the King at a destination in Bali,” said Sany. This concept of surprise will leave a good impression and become a long lasting talk even after the trips have passed for months.

In short, the incentive trip destinations can be considered significant. However, it isn’t as important as the process and the main purpose of the incentive trip that should be conveyed properly.