Karakteristik Wajib SDM MICE di Era Pandemi

Thursday, 21 October 21 Venue

Dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan MICE virtual, kualitas sumber daya manusia menjadi penting mengingat platform teknologi dan perangkat pendukung yang digunakan sama.

Beradaptasi dengan teknologi menjadi pekerjaan rumah banyak organizer MICE sejak awal masa pandemi. Seluruh kegiatan yang beralih secara virtual, mau tidak mau membuat organizer berinvestasi pada alat dan sumber daya manusia (SDM).

Dyandra Promosindo merupakan salah satu organizer yang membuat divisi khusus bernama Creative Digital Departement yang khusus menangani seluruh event virtual.

Apalagi, kompetisi di industri MICE era pandemi ini semakin ketat. Organizer tidak hanya bersaing dengan sesamanya, tapi juga dengan tim internal perusahaan yang mampu mengadakan kegiatan virtual sendiri, sampai hotel atau pengelola venue yang juga punya tim internal.

Ketua MASATA, Panca Sarungu dalam perbincangan Podcast di YouTube MICE Indonesia mengatakan, marketnya sekarang berubah. Dulu ada tiap organizer punya karakteristik masing-masing dengan klien dari industri berbeda. Sekarang tidak.

“Sekarang, kalau mau buat sesuatu harus riset, tim risetnya juga harus mendalami. Organizer sekarang harus punya tim research dan development sendiri,” imbuh Panca.

Menurut Panca, setidaknya organizer di era pandemi mesti menguasai tiga hal, konten, kreativitas, dan teknologi. Ketiganya tentu datang dari SDM-SDM andal yang memiliki skill dan kreativitas tinggi.

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Setidaknya, SDM industri MICE di era pandemi ini mesti memiliki modal berikut:

Kreatif. Ini merupakan soft skill yang penting dimiliki SDM MICE. Dengan kreativitas orang mampu menciptakan tren baru yang terdepan di industri MICE, apalagi di era pandemi yang kompetisinya kian tinggi.

Inovatif. Dengan inovasi SDM MICE bisa meningkatkan kualitas diri dan tentunya memuaskan pelanggan. Karakter inovatif juga penting untuk menghasilkan hal-hal baru terkait event virtual supaya tidak membosankan.

Solutif. Alasan klien menggunakan jasa organizer tentu karena profesionalisme, pengalaman, dan skill. Organizer juga diharapkan mampu memberi solusi dari berbagai masalah saat penyelenggaraan kegiatan.


Characteristics Human Resources in MICE Should Have During the Pandemic Era

When initiating MICE events virtually, the quality of human resource is important, considering that the kind of technology and platforms used remain the same.

Adapting to technology has become the job of many MICE organisers since the early start of the pandemic. All events have switched to virtual, meaning that organisers must invest in technological devices and quality human resources whether they like to or not.

Dyandra Promosindo is one of these organizers, who have created a special division called the Creative Digital Department that specifically handles all virtual events.

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Moreover, the competition in the MICE industry in this pandemic era is getting tougher. Organizers do not only compete with each other, but also with the company’s internal team who are able to hold their own virtual activities, to hotels or venue managers who also have an internal team.

Moreover, the competition in the MICE industry in this pandemic era is getting tougher. Organizers do not only compete with each other, but also with the company’s internal team who are able to hold their own virtual activities. Even hotels or venue managers also have their own internal team.

Chairman of MASATA, Panca Sarongu in the YouTube Podcast MICE Indonesia said that the market is now changing. In the past, each organizer had their own characteristics as well as clients from different industries. Now they do not.

“Now, if you want to make something, then the research must be done. Organisers must have their own research and development team,” Pance noted.

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According to Panca, organizers in the pandemic era must master at least three things; content, creativity, and technology. These three aspects are present in good quality human resources, those who are skillful and creative.

Human resources in the MICE industry must have at least these three qualities:

Creative. This is an important soft skill for individuals in the MICE industry. With creativity, people are able to create new trends that are at the forefront of the MICE industry, especially in the pandemic era where the competition is increasingly high.

Innovative. With innovation, individuals of the MICE industry can improve their own quality and satisfy customers. Innovative characters are also essential to producing new things related to virtual events so that they are not boring.

Solution-oriented. Clients who use organizer services expect professionalism, experience, and skills. Organizers must be able to provide solutions to various problems during the implementation of activities.