Tiga Jurus Kemenparekraf Bangkitkan Industri MICE

Monday, 01 November 21 Venue

Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif menyiapkan tiga strategi untuk membangkitkan industri MICE yang sempat terpuruk akibat pandemi.

Pandemi COVID-19 memukul banyak sektor industri, tak terkecuali industri Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition (MICE). Maklum saja, industri MICE identik dengan menghadirkan kerumunan dan keramaian, sesuatu yang sangat dilarang di masa pandemi.

Namun, pelaku industri MICE tak ingin menyerah begitu saja. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk bertahan di tengah tantangan. Mulai dari beradaptasi dengan teknologi dan menyelenggarakan kegiatan MICE secara daring, sampai mencari inovasi-inovasi lain agar industri MICE tetap hidup.

Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) juga tak ingin tinggal diam.

Dalam perbincangan Podcast yang tayang di kanal YouTube MICE Indonesia bertajuk “Kolaborasi Kemenparekraf dan Stakeholder dalam Memajukan Sektor MICE”, Direktur Wisata Pertemuan, Insentif, Konvensi, & Pameran (MICE) Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Iyung Masruroh menegaskan, Kemenparekraf menggulirkan tiga strategi agar pelaku industri MICE kembali tangguh menghadapi pandemi.

  • Menyiapkan dan menyosialisasikan protokol kesehatan dan sertifikasi CHSE

Sejak awal pandemi Kemenparekraf bersama sejumlah stakeholder menyiapkan panduan CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability) untuk pelaku industri MICE. Sosialisasi dan simulasi panduan CHSE ini juga sudah dilakukan ke sejumlah destinasi di Indonesia.

Pihak Kemenparekraf juga mendorong pelaku industri MICE untuk mengikuti sertifikasi CHSE demi membangun kepercayaan publik.

  • Meningkatkan pasar domestik dari sektor Kementerian/Lembaga dan korporat.
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“Pasar yang paling cepat bisa balik mengadakan MICE itu Kementerian dan Lembaga karena korporat masih berpikir untuk mengeluarkan uang,” jelas Iyung.

Iyung mengatakan, pihaknya sudah memfasilitasi pertemuan B to B online antara penyedia MICE dengan K/L yang biasa mengadakan kegiatan MICE di hotel. Selain itu, platform MICE.ID juga disediakan sebagai ruang pertemuan online antara konsumen dan organizer.

Iyung juga mendorong organizer menggarap korporat dari sektor industri yang justru mendulang untuk di tengah pandemi. Seperti sektor telekomunikasi atau farmasi.

  • Tetap aktif mempromosikan Indonesia di pasar internasional.

Pandemi bukan alasan menarik diri dari pergaulan internasional. Karena itulah, pihak Kemenparekraf tetap mengikuti bidding internasional serta berpartisipasi dalam bursa pariwisata internasional.

Menurut Iyung, menang bukan satu-satunya tujuan, yang penting Indonesia tetap eksis di dunia MICE internasional sembari terus menyosialisasikan bahwa kegiatan MICE di Indonesia sangat patuh menjalankan protokol kesehatan.


Three Tactics to Revive the MICE Industry by The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has prepared three strategies to help the MICE industry recover from the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit various sectors including the MICE (meeting, incentive, convention, and exhibition) industry. It’s highly due to the nature of the industry itself, which usually necessitates the presence of a crowd (something prohibited during the pandemic).

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However, MICE industry players do not want to give up. Many efforts are done in order to persevere despite the challenges, starting from adapting to the new technology, holding online MICE events, up to looking for innovations to sustain the industry.

The government, through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, also contributes to this effort.

In our podcast on MICE Indonesia’s YouTube channel titled “Collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and Stakeholders to Improve MICE”, MICE Director of the ministry (Iyung Masruroh) mentioned that the ministry has created three strategies to forge MICE industry players’ strength in facing the pandemic.

  1. Preparing and distributing information on health protocols and CHSE certification

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy along with some stakeholders have prepared CHSE (cleanliness, health, safety, and environment sustainability) guidelines for MICE industry players. Information publication and simulations of said CHSE guidelines have also been conducted in several tourist destinations in Indonesia.

The ministry also encourages MICE industry players to undertake CHSE certification to secure the trust of the public.

  1. Increasing domestic market from government and corporate sections
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“The market that will hold MICE again includes ministries and government institutions. The corporate (sector) are still conflicted on spending money,” Iyung explained.

Iyung said that her team has facilitated online B2B meetings between MICE organizers with ministries and government institutions that usually rent hotels for their events. In addition, the MICE.ID platform also serves as a medium for online meetings between consumers and organizers.

Iyung also pushes organizers to work with corporate clients who are benefited by the pandemic situation, like telecommunication or pharmaceutical companies.

  1. Keep promoting Indonesia internationally

The pandemic isn’t a reason for us to steer clear from international relations. Therefore, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy still attends international bidding and participates in international tourism exchanges.

Iyung believes that winning may not be the only goal. What matters is that Indonesia still has a spot in international MICE as we keep spreading the word that MICE activities in Indonesia comply with strict health protocols.